Magazine Project Genre Research- Seventeen

Image result for seventeen magazine november 2018 issue cover

The next magazine I've chosen to analyze is the October & November issue of Seventeen. This magazine has yet another clean-cut cover with a celebrity as the focal point. There are more vibrant colors used in comparison to InStyle such as red to make the magazine title stand out more prominently and the celebrity Amanda Stenberg wearing pink and red to add to the brightness of this issue. Also used are some small symbols such as stars and hearts to enhance the youthfulness and less sophisticated style of this magazine, as it is catered towards teenagers and the younger generation. Articles that are included range from fashion trends and skincare to health and self-love. Some titles I saw were "Get the Boot" which is a clever play on words to advertise various boots, along with multiple including an affordable price of products because that is something that intrigues the audience. This wide range and variety of articles helps to make the magazine more versatile and appealing to the youth. These articles appear mostly as two page spreads where a short article with pictures is on one side and an advertisement is on the page next to it. As for the celebrity interview, they include a four page spread with various questions answered. Some advertisements that are included are ones for inexpensive products such as drugstore face wash and makeup, as they're aware that their audience is a demographic who likely doesn't have a huge salary and will buy cheaper brands. In this magazine there is also five pages of advertisements before the table of contents is first introduced, along with an advertisement on the back cover. Photos appearing in articles include models wearing different styled outfits with these items and various others included in a collage on the same page with prices. The table of content includes one large photograph of a photoshoot with one of the celebrities included in this issue and the cover stories with page numbers to the left of it. The distribution number of this magazine is 2,020,492 in America, as it originates from New York City. In 1984, Seventeen won a National Magazine Award in the category of fiction for a few of its articles, as well as being nominated for an Ellie Award in the category of Service and Lifestyle in 2016 and 2018, for its articles on needs, aspirations, and overall lifestyle aspects.


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