CCR Draft #2

In this rough draft of my creative critical reflection, I will be answering the question, "How does your project engage with audiences and how would it be distributed as real media text?" This will be the script I will be following when creating the voice over for my slideshow and it will aid in giving detail on how I worked to make my magazine engaging for the reader and the methods I plan to use to most effectively distribute my print media to the public.

I believe my real media text is engaging for my audience because it talks about topics that are relevant and relatable to my target audience of young women. Confidence in yourself and the clothes you wear is something that I know from experience as a girl myself can be difficult, so I thought that a spread with an interview on that would be something that my readers would enjoy. Additionally, I believe the photos I used were interesting and engaging. I took pictures of my model in various different outfits that complimented each other and I think this is something that attracts my target audience as well.

I found various methods of marketing that would be effective for engaging my audience of fashion magazine readers including promotional events, social media, and a beauty box. When researching, I found commonalities among many of the most successful fashion magazines including Vogue and Elle, that took advantage of these marketing techniques to garner a larger audience and keep the audience interested in the print media in an age of technology. The first technique I found was that promotional events that involve makeup tips from experts and editors of the magazine, pop-up shops to purchase beauty products, and panels of speakers including celebrities and stylists. By creating weekend-long events that allow subscribers to attend and see all that the magazine has to offer, it will give the magazine a more positive name and will make the reader more attracted to my magazine. I thought that I could call my own Belle Bash because other events include Elle Weekender and Vogue Festival. I also found that creating social media accounts was extremely effective in drawing in larger audiences because it's able to reach those who are more technologically oriented. In this case, I created a social media account called @bellefleurmag that can be seen here. With it, I would post daily with at least 3-4 posts a day to keep the audience engaged in what the magazine has to offer each month. Lastly, I would paln to create a beauty box like other lifestyle magazines make and call it BelleBox. In the box there would be 5-6 beauty products that are hand-picked by editors to market how my magazine has trustworthy experts working on it and will bring in more magazine subscribers.

To distribute as a real media text, I will use both a traditional and digital distribution plan. Traditionally, I will hire a publisher as a way to increase the circulation of my magazine and get it out to various different outlets including door-to-door, supermarkets, and even magazine subscriptions, the most effective form of distribution. One distribution company that I could use in my area is South Florida Premium Distribution because this agent delivers to various cities throughout Florida and get the magazine into circulation. As for digital distribution, I plan to create a mobile app that includes a digital version of the magazine that is an identical copy but in a more convenient size and accessibility, as it can be used on the go. Also, I would create a website for Belle Fleur that has various different articles posted daily that keep the reader up-to-date and more interested in the magazine. Along with this, a subscribe tab gives people the opportunity to buy a magazine subscription through the website and increases distribution.


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